Yoga SandBags
Yoga Sandbags are a soothing & supportive addition to a restorative practice. Yoga sandbags weigh 10-15 pounds. They can be used to add extra weight upon an area the pose is focusing on to add traction, release of long holding patterns & help you let go of resistance. . .
Something Yoga SandBag Therapy does really well is "Nourish organs via compression of meridian lines" this can create Major Health Benefits
In hospitals, weighted blankets are used to provide input to the deep pressure touch receptors throughout the body. The weight helps us feel secure & grounded. In fact, DPTS (deep pressure touch stimulation) increases production of the serotonin hormone to induce a peaceful emotional state. Sandbags on ribs allows us to get a deeper stretch into lungs & revitalize your upper respiratory tree. When sitting, placing sandbags helps you root down assisting to lengthen your spine & massages connective tissue increasing circulation. Our focus is on helping you. . .
Restore Your Body's Natural System of Balance + Extend Your Range & Freedom of Motion
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